Chairperson's Lecture
Focusing on the Mechanism of Things—As a Clue to Solving Problems in Occupational Therapy—
- Presenter
- Toru Nagao (Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences)
- Session Chairperson
- Yasuhito Sengoku (Sapporo Medical University)
November 10 (Fri) 9:30-9:50 Venue 1(Theater)
Keynote Lectures
Keynote LectureⅠ
Cognitive Biases: What Determines Our Thoughts and Behaviors
- Presenter
- Kawai Nobuyuki (Nagoya University Graduate School of Information Science)
- Session Chairperson
- Toru Nagao (Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences)
November 10 (Fri) 13:00-14:30 Venue 1(Theater)
Keynote LectureⅡ
- Presenter
- Takako Matsubara (Kobe Gakuin University Graduate School of Rehabilitation)
- Session Chairperson
- Kazue Noda (Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences)
November 11 (Sat) 10:40-12:10 Venue 1(Theater)
Keynote LectureⅢ
The role and expectations of occupational therapists in the new era of dementia care
- Presenter
- Manabu Ikeda
- Session Chairperson
- Takayuki Tabira
November 11 (Sat) 13:00-14:30 Venue 1(Theater)
Educational Lecture
Educational LectureⅠ
The Future of Psychiatric Occupational Therapy; Thinking through the Mechanism
- Presenter
- Masayoshi Kobayashi (School of Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology, SHINSHU UNIVERSITY)
- Session Chairperson
- Kayano Yotsumoto
November 10 (Fri) 11:00-12:30 Venue 2(Conference Building A)
Educational LectureⅡ
Statistics for Clinical Research. Regression analysis.
- Presenter
- Ayumi Shintani (Department of Medical Statistics Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine Osaka Metropolitan University)
- Session Chairperson
- Hirofumi Nagayama
November 11 (Sat) 15:00-16:30 Venue 1(Theater)
Consideration of Support for Persons with Disabilities offenders
~Persons Who Have Caused Serious Cases
Under the
Condition of Insanity・Person Released From Prison for Community Life Support~
- Panelist
- Hideki Miyaguchi (Hiroshima University Graduate School)
Nobuyuki Munechika (Ministry of Justice Fuchu Prison)
Takato Okaniwa (Shizuoka Psychiatric Medical Center)
Adachi Hajime (Kochi Professional University of Rehabilitation) - Session Chairperson
- Hideki Miyaguchi (Hiroshima University Graduate School)
November 10 (Fri) 15:00-16:30 Venue 1(Theater)
Specialty of Occupational Therapists Required in the Field of Welfare for Children with Developmental
Special Needs
- Panelist
- Sakai Yasutoshi (Center for Children with Developmental Special Needs UMEDA・AKEBONO
Kamon Kunitake (ACT・DESIGN , Inc Child Development Support Room MAACHI)
Chiho Nakama (YUIMAWARU Co., Ltd. Children's Center YUIMAWARU. CEO) - Session Chairperson
- Sakai Yasutoshi (Center for Children with Developmental Special Needs UMEDA・AKEBONO GAKUEN)
November 11 (Sat) 9:00-10:30 Venue 1(Theater)
Mechanism of Publishing (Communication of Knowledge through characters)
- Panelist
- Naohito Shingu (Seirei Christopher University)
Satoshi Aoyama (MIWA-SHOTEN Ltd.)
Hiroshi Sekikawa (Kyodo-isho Shuppan Co., Ltd.)
Yoko Igarashi (Ishiyaku Publishers, Inc.) - Session Chairperson
- Naohito Shingu (Seirei Christopher University)
November 12 (Sun) 10:10-11:40 Venue 1(Theater)
Symposium Japan - Taiwan Occupational Therapy Joint Symposium
- Presenter
- Hui-Fen Mao (National Taiwan University)
- Presenter
- Session Chairperson
- Jumpei Oba
November 11(Sat) 9:00-12:00 Venue 2(Conference Building A)
「Continuous Training for Occupational Therapists」
Certification Regulations and Professional Continuing Education of Occupational Therapy in Taiwan
Be Determined Professional Continuing Education at the Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists
「Community Inclusive Services for People with Mental Health Conditions」
- Presenter
- Te-Chun Chen (Jin-Shan Community Rehabilitation Center)
- Presenter
- Tomonari Hayasaka (Kyorin University)
- Session Chairperson
- Nozomu Ikeda (Sapporo Medical University)
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Community Inclusive Services for People with Mental Health Conditions
The Role of Psychiatric Occupational Therapists in Promoting Citizen Health and Well-being
「Occupational Therapy in Indonesia: Its Culture and Impact on Occupational Therapy Service」
- Presenter
- Tri Budi Santoso
- Session Chairperson
- Fusae Ishibashi (Interenational University of Health and Welfare)
November 11(Sat) 13:00-14:30 Venue 6(Conference Building A2)
「The Development of Occupational Therapy and Cultural Impact on Occupational Therapy Services in Indonesia」
Oral Presentations
Special Sessions
November 10 (Fri) 11:10-12:10 Venue 1(Theater)
Specialists Occupational Therapists Seminars
Occupational therapy for cerebrovascular disorder
- Speakers
- Keiichi Hasegawa (Takeda General Hospital)
Kohei Obuchi (Takeda General Hospital)
Keigo Takahashi (Amakusa Rehabilitation Hospital)
November 10 (Fri) 11:10-12:10 Venue 3(Conference Building B1)
Focusing on the "Now" of Occupational Therapy for Cancer and Seeking Solutions to Issues
- Speakers
- Miki Fujii (Osaka International Cancer Institute)
Masanari Inada (Department of rehabilitation ,Yokohama City university hospital)
Nanako Nishiyama (Osaka Metropolitan University, Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science) - Host
- Hiroyuki Ase
November 10 (Fri) 11:00-12:00 Venue 4(Conference Building B5-7)
Special needs education and School lunch
~Strategies for Selective Eating of
Occupational Therapist~
- Speaker
- Ayumi Miyajima (Shijonawate Gakuen University, Faculty of Rehabilitation)
November 10 (Fri) 11:00-12:00 Venue 5(Conference Building B2)
What is important in home-based occupational therapy
- To know the foundation,
develop and pursue it -
- Speakers
- Kaoru Uda (Medical Corporation Omotokai)
Kazuaki Teramoto (Kishu Rehabilitation Visiting Care Station)
November 10 (Fri) 11:00-12:00 Venue 6(Conference Building A2)
Clinical practice and challenges in aiming for a useful hand
- Speaker
- Nobuhiro Nonaka (Aino memorial hospital Hand surgery center)
- Host
- Akio Okano (Chubu University)
November 10 (Fri) 11:00-12:00 Venue 7(Conference Building B3-4)
- Speaker
- Futoshi Matsushita (Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences)
November 11 (Sat) 9:00-10:00 Venue 3(Conference Building B1)
"Does that spoon fit?"
~Revisit the assessment of eating utensils according to
the subject's eating
- Speakers
- Yumi Ota (Tsuyama Chuo Hospital)
Hitomi Kamisaku (Bunkyo Gakuin University)
Yusuke Aoki (Suzuka Chuo General Hospital)
November 11 (Sat) 9:00-10:00 Venue 4(Conference Building B5-7)
Rehabilitation for acute psychiatric emergencies
- Session Chairperson
- Tatsuro Iwane (Kyoto Prefectural Rakunan Hospital)
Tomonari Hayasaka (Kyorin University)
November 11 (Sat) 9:00-10:00 Venue 5(Conference Building B2)
Welfare Equipment Supply System: Focusing on the Mechanism of Things- As a Clue to Solving Problems in Welfare equipment assistance -
- Speakers
- Takuma Matsumoto (Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center)
Masami Nakagawa (Okayama Rosai Hospital)
November 11 (Sat) 9:00-10:00 Venue 6(Conference Building A2)
Occupational therapists' efforts to the Promotion of Health and Employment Support - from the Hospital and Home-Based Rehabilitations
- Speakers
- Hiroko Ohkawa (Hokkaido Bunkyo University)
Masako Tominaga (Central Department of Rehabilitaion,Chugoku Rosai Hospital/Resarch Center for the Promotion of Health and Employment Support)
Yukako Asano (Bunya Gastrointestinal Medicine Clinic)
November 11 (Sat) 9:00-10:00 Venue 7(Conference Building B3-4)
Try to Link the Higher Brain Function and “Occupation”
~Why is the left side
of my pants so hard to
lift up?!~
- Speakers
- Yukako Asano (Bunya Gastrointestinal Medicine Clinic)
Tomomi Nakajima (Fujita Health University Faculty of Rehabilitation)
November 12 (Sun) 8:30-9:30 Venue 1(Theater)
Introducing a new upper-extremity prostheses checkout
- The Japanese Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics
November 10 (Fri) 17:00-18:00 Venue 1(Theater)
Sexual/gender diversity from the occupational perspective: what we can do
- LGBT+ Guideline Group, Academic Department, The Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists
November 10 (Fri) 17:00-18:00 Venue 2(Conference Building A1)
The current situation and to enhance support of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: DCD
- Nagasaki study group of Pediatric Occupational Therapy
November 10 (Fri) 17:00-18:00 Venue 3(Conference Building B1)
Team-based practice of Occupational Therapy in Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Society of Clinical Cardiovascular Occupational Therapy
November 10 (Fri) 17:00-18:00 Venue 4(Conference Building B5-7)
Opening Up New Possibilities for Occupational Therapy with Digital Fabrication IV - Spreading the Use of 3D Printers for Creating Assistive Devices to the Nationwide Community and Discussion of the Key Points to be Considered When Providing Assistive Devices.-
- General Incorporated Association ICT Rehabilitation Reseach Laboratory
November 10 (Fri) 17:00-18:00 Venue 5(Conference Building B2)
rehabilitation for dementia from prevention to post-diagnosis
- the japan Jeriatric Therapy Society
November 10 (Fri) 17:00-18:00 Venue (Conference Building A2)
Parkinson's disease up-to-date: Rethinking occupational therapy's unique interventions on the latest information from the international
- Park-OT Journal Club
November 10 (Fri) 17:00-18:00 Venue 7(Conference Building B3-4)
Social implementation of occupational therapy to create the future
- Japanese society of clinical occupational therapy
November 11 (Sat) 16:10-17:10 Venue 2(Conference Building A1)
Roles and Expectations of Occupational Therapists in Regenerative Medicine
- Clinical Regenerative Medicine Rehabilitation Research Group
November 11 (Sat) 16:10-17:10 Venue 3(Conference Building B1)
What to do, Motion Analysis!
- The Japanese Society of Occupational Therapy Research
November 11 (Sat) 16:10-17:10 Venue 4(Conference Building B5-7)
Tips to enable occupation-focused practice
November 11 (Sat) 16:10-17:10 Venue 5(Conference Building B2)
OT strategy for patients with respiratory disease -~further development-~
- Group to review occupational therapy for respiratory and circulatory disorders.
November 11 (Sat) 16:10-17:10 Venue 6(Conference Building A2)
What we need to know about bridging neuropsychology and occupational therapy - Neuropsychological evaluation and intervention to help clients and their families -
- Japanese Society for Occupational Therapy and Neuroscience
November 11 (Sat) 16:10-17:10 Venue 7(Conference Building B3-4)
Occupational therapy for dementia weaving better lives for individual and families
- Review Circle on Rehabilitation for Dementia (RCRD)
November 12 (Sun) 10:50-11:50 Venue 2(Conference Building A1)
Creating a Role for Occupational Therapists in the Intensive Care
- The Japanese Association for Critical Care and Intensive Care Occupational Therapy
November 12 (Sun) 10:50-11:50 Venue 3(Conference Building B1)
Let's think about it together! Interpretation and approach for higher brain dysfunction case.
- Society of Occupational Therapy for Higher Brain Dysfunction
November 12 (Sun) 10:50-11:50 Venue 4(Conference Building B5-7)
Intergenerational exchange in the community and what occupational therapists can do - "strategies" to energize the community-
- Clinical Dementia Study group
November 12 (Sun) 10:50-11:50 Venue 5(Conference Building B2)
Evaluation for excretion rehabilitation involving occupational therapists ―Lecture on evaluation methods for excretory careー
November 12 (Sun) 10:50-11:50 Venue 6(Conference Building A2)
Clinical reasoning to visualize "mechanism of occupational therapy practice"
- Shonan Social Club of Occupational Therapy
November 12 (Sun) 10:50-1:50 Venue 7(Conference Building B3-4)